Guidance From Above

Guidance From Above
February 26

Read:  Psalm 25:4 - 15

Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. – Psalm 25:4

The Bible In One year
Deuteronomy 32 - 34

The Global Positioning System (GPS) Is changing the way we work, travel, and play. Using the signals from multiple satellites, an inexpensive GPS receiver can compute your location anywhere in the world. Using the information can help a lost hiker return to camp, enable a driver to locate a house in a strange city, or guide commercial fishermen back to the place of a big catch. In a very real sense, it is “guidance from above.”

But it helps only the person who believes the information and acts on it. What if a person viewed the GPS read out and said, “I can’t possibly be where this says I am”? what good would it be if a person turned off the unit, jammed it in a pocket, and headed out on his own, saying, “I know I’m going east, even if this thing says I’m going south”?

In a similar way, God’s guidance through the Bible benefits us only when we trust His Word and obey it. “The humble He guides in justice,” the psalmist wrote, “and the humble He teaches His way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, to such as keep His covenant and His testimonies” (Ps. 25:9 – 10)

Remember, guidance from above is promised to all who will accept God’s Word and follow His directions. – David McCasland

We need God’s guidance from above,
His daily leading, constant love;
As we trust Him for direction,
To our course He’ll make correction. – Fitzhugh

The question is not only “where do we stand?” but also “where are headed?”

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