Time Off
March 2
Read: 1 John 1:1 - 7
Truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. – 1 John 1:3
The Bible In One year
Joshua 10 – 12
Is there such a thing as a superstar Christian who is so close to God or so godly that he can take time off in his relationship with God?
The idea sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? It’s absorb to think that our walk with God is anything but continual, everyday, all the time. But in reality, don’t we sometimes go our own way and neglect our fellowship with Him?
This principle has a parallel in the world of sports. Grant Hill, a superstar professional basketball player, made this comment about his off – season practice schedule: “I just didn’t feel that I could take a week off. When I take one day off, I feel like I’m lacking a bit.”
If we as Christians “take time off” from our relationship with God, we too will be “lacking a bit.” We will miss the guidance of His Word and the fellowship we experience in prayer. We will be more likely to forget our priorities and drift into forbidden areas that could lead to our downfall.
No matter how long you’ve been a child of God through faith in Christ, you need to guard your relationship with Him. It’s not just about going to church or having daily devotions. It’s a continual relationship. Taking time off will seriously weaken your walk. – Dave Branon
The time we spend in fellowship
With God each day in prayer
Will strengthen us to stand against
Temptation’s evil snare. – sper
To keep spiritually fit, walk daily with Christ.
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